Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

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The Board of Directors is the primary decision-making body and represents the congregation.

The Board consists of an annually elected president, vice-president, and past president. The vice-president typically stands for election for three years, serving as president and past president in turn. The secretary, treasurer and four directors are elected in staggered fashion for three-year terms. (See our bylaws for details.)

Board members photo
The 2014-2015 Board of Directors:
Back (L to R): Roger Sherman, Sue Langley, Craig Raese, Debbie Johnson, Bryan Jennings
Front: Catherine Fitch, Marcia Lyons, Claudia Fernsworth. (Not pictured: Robyn Broyles)

The Board is responsible for setting an annual budget, establishing policies, and for decisions that affect BUUF as a whole. Board meetings are open (with the exception of executive sessions). The budget is created using a collaborative process by the Board, the Minister, the Finance Committee, the PMC, and other key committees. The budget is presented to the congregation which approves it during an annual meeting. The Personnel Committee annually recommends compensation packages for staff and reviews the letter of agreement with the minister, sharing its recommendations with the Finance Committee and the Board.

When a major decision is to be made, such as the purchase of new property a few years ago, the Board calls a special congregational meeting so that the decision can be discussed and a vote taken. Congregational meetings are open to members, friends and others, though only members may vote. A quorum of members is required for all congregational meetings.

The Board posts its minutes on the BUUF web site, and the Board president writes an article for the monthly BUUF newsletter.

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